Zuhailah Lee

PsychD, HCPC

Integrative Therapist

Zul Lee is an Integrative Therapist dedicated to empowering individuals and their families on their journey to wellness and recovery. With a Masters degree in Social Work, she brings a compassionate and holistic approach to her practice. 

Having previously worked with individuals facing severe mental illness such as schizophrenia, depressive disorders, personality disorders (with some of them having co-occuring substance abuse), Zul is a Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner and employs the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Model in supporting her clients to develop individualized rehab plans, assisting them in reintegration into their communities and leading fulfilling lives. She firmly believes in the recovery-driven process, promoting the innate potential and capabilities of individuals living with mental health challenges. Zul has also worked with children and youth with serious mental health and behavioural challenges. She employes a strength-based Wraparound approach, collaborating with families and the natural support systems to facilitate their recovery and help them achieve their goals. 

In addition, Zul holds a certification in sexology, emphasizing the significance of sexual wellness and understands that sexuality can be a complex and integral part of one’s overall well-being. She hopes to work with people who might have issues with desire/intimacy/sexual functioning. With a focus on open communication, consent and fostering a sex-positive environment, Zul’s goal is to help clients develop a healthier and more fulfilling sexual life, enhancing their overall quality of life and relationships. She is dedicated to providing gender-affirming care and working with sexual diverse populations. She recognizes the unique challenges faced by individuals within these communities and strives to create a safe and inclusive space for their journey. 

To provide a comprehensive and tailored approach to care, Zul utilizes an integrated systems approach which means she looks beyond the individual and considers the broader context in which clients exist including relationships, family dynamics and social systems. By considering the various systems in a person’s life, she gains a comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to their challenges and strengths.